Friday, March 8, 2013


Crowd sourcing is not just for consumer products anymore. It now can maybe used to help push legislation that may actually be good. Recently their has been talk about the threat of Internet piracy and how it affects businesses like the movie industry. This will negatively affect consumers but positively affect things like the movie and music industries. So basically people are going to get screwed. To prevent this, the Internet has fought back with a blackout day where the most popular crowd sourced sites such as Wikipedia were blacked out and users were unable to access the site. Instead they were directed to help fight legislation that constrained consumers while just helping to bloat the wallets of the movie industry. It worked as the people of congress were backing out their support for the SOPA bill and have received favorable support from their own constituents. Crowd sourcing seems to be even a new way for the people of Congress to figure out what the people that elected them want. Hopefully they will do what is best for the people of the country and not what is best for the capitalist fat cats that only care about the bottom line.

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